Naviport Cooperate Identity Project


To create a complete brand from scratch. Company name, logo, style guide, company strategy, essence, and branding must be created by the designer. The designer needs to look at the competition of existing companies within the same field and the final piece should be strpog enough to stand next to the competition. This was a cooperate Identity project.


  1. Create a new company name
  2. Create an original company logo
  3. Create a company brochure
  4. Create a style guide for company branding
  5. Create a creative brief to back up design desicions
  6. Create a stationary mockup for the company


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Process Book

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Style Guide

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Final Thoughts

This project was one of the most exciting projects I have taken on. This was the first time I compiled a book in inDesign. It also gave me more insight as to what really makes a logo and a company unique, as well as what gives them life and more importantly, what can unify that between the two. This was also my first time doing a stationary mockup, and looking for a template, opened up more resources for me as well. Looking for imagery also has given me more respect towards the field of photography. Looking for images that unified within the branding guidlines was a real challenge. I had to do some background research on photography in order to understand how I could look for some photos that would be able to sit within their own realm of the company.