About Charles Robert Searle

By now it is pretty obvious that my name is Charles Searle. I grew up in Revere and still reside there today. My love for code came from my love of video games. My love for graphics is a story I will visit in a second. My destiny to code began when I always had this obession of making clans for war games, and I always wanted to be captain of my very own clan of people online. In the 7th grade my dreams came true and I made my own clan for Call of Duty. After a few weeks of wiping out lobbies online, I decided we needed a web site. The only problem was, I had no Idea how to make one. I mean, I knew I could make one on wix.com, but I knew that wasn't how the pros did it. So finally when I had the chance to learn code in highschool, I took a few electives and was one of the top students in those electives. From there I knew what I wanted to do in my college years. The reason I chose to attend The New England Institute of Art was when they visited my web design class in the 11th grade. From then I was set as having Ai as my first choice school. However, lets rewind for a second. I can do graphic design too, and it was not really intentional that I persued in it. I did some photoshop in highschool, and I enjoyed it, so when I entered Ai, and learned that the web design program has graphic design classes as well I was even more entriqued in the school. When I was really little I used to worry how the lettering, which I now know as typography, was so perfect. Signs did not look like someone drew them, they looked professional, and thus, in highschool, thats when I decided to take photoshop and web design and it was that class where the presentor from Ai came in. I feel like this career of mine is more than a career. It is my destiny.
- JQUERY Mobile
- Bootstrap
- Liquid
- mySQLi
Code Knowledge
- Photoshop
- Dreamweaver
- Illustrator
- inDesign
- After Effects
Software Knowledge
- Meta Tagging
- Alt Image Conventions
- Naming Conventions
- Shopify Meta
- Image Optimization
- robots.txt
- Keywords
SEO Knowledge
- Shopify
- Liquid
- Wordpress E-Commerse Plug-ins
CMS & E-Commerse Knowledge
Cover Letter
High School Portfolio